【新闻】葡萄酒是vegan的吗?| Is Wine Vegan?
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A survey by Virgin Wines(Virgin Wines is an online wine retailer based in the United Kingdom. ) found that whilst a huge 36% of consumers are opting for vegan wines these days, almost 40% of wine drinkers did not know that it often contains animal products. It also revealed that a third of the 1,259 participants would knowingly serve non-vegan wine to vegan guests at a dinner party.
In the Virgin Wines survey, 36% of respondents said they now purchase vegan wines, and that those people are almost equally motivated by reasons of environmental concerns and for animal welfare.
· 30%选择vegan葡萄酒的受访者表示,动物福利是他们选择的主要原因
· 在1261名经常购买葡萄酒的受访者中,39%的人不知道有些葡萄酒不适合vegan饮用。
· 28%的人表示,如果有vegan晚餐客人,他们会有意为他们提供非vegan的葡萄酒
· 29%的受访者表示,他们选择vegan葡萄酒主要是出于环保考虑
· 25%的人表示他们选择vegan葡萄酒的主要原因是健康,这表明vegan葡萄酒被视为一种“更健康”的选择
· 30% of respondents who said that they choose vegan wine stated that animal welfare is their main reason for doing so
· Out of 1,261 respondents, all of whom regularly buy wine, 39% did not know that some wines aren’t vegan-friendly.
· 28% said if they had a vegan dinner guest they would knowingly serve them non-vegan wine
· 29% said that they choose vegan wine mainly for environmental reasons
· 25% stated that their main reason for choosing vegan wines is health, suggesting that vegan wines are perceived as a ‘healthier’ option
维珍葡萄酒(Virgin Wines)表示,在市场变化的背景下,公司提供300种vegan葡萄酒,目前,几家大型零售商已经越来越肯定了对vegan葡萄酒的选择。去年,玛莎百货(Marks and Spencer)宣布,到2022年,将把旗下所有品牌都变成vegan品牌。
Virgin Wines says it offers 300 varieties of vegan wines, amid a change in the market which has seen several large retailers convert make their wine selection vegan-friendly. Last year, Marks and Spencer announced it would be making its entire range vegan by 2022.
“当人们听说不是所有的葡萄酒都是vegan的时候,很容易就会认为适合纯植物性饮食者的葡萄酒很难找到。当人们在超市拿起一个酒瓶的时候,看到的只是一个过敏警告:它包含少量的牛奶和鸡蛋。这就很容易理解大家觉得购买vegan的酒很困难,但实际情况绝对不是这样的。”维珍葡萄酒采购总监Andrew Baker说道。
图片来源:Virgin wines
“As soon as people hear that not all wines are vegan, it can be easy to assume that vegan-friendly wines must be difficult to find. Anyone who has picked up a bottle in the supermarket, only to see an allergy warning that it contains traces of milk and egg, would be forgiven for thinking it’s hard work to find wine for a vegan guest, or indeed for themselves – but that absolutely isn’t the case,” says Andrew Baker, Buying Director at Virgin Wines to vegconomist.
“Using animal products in the winemaking process is actually becoming quite old-school, and with veganism on the rise, we’re seeing an increasing number of winemakers ensuring that their products are vegan-friendly. For now, not all wines are vegan, but that may not stay the case for long.”
For hundreds of years in Italy and France, winemakers would add an egg white or two to a large barrel of wine. The proteins in the egg white would bind to free proteins suspended in the wine. After a short wait, the egg white and free proteins would precipitate out of the wine and drop to the bottom of the barrel. Winemakers would strain the clear wine off the top and leave the sludge. This process is called Fining and Racking. Nowadays, there are more advanced ways of achieving the same results including numerous microbial products (read: totally vegetarian!) that perform the same function. Non-vegetarian wine additives are still widely used. Here are the most common:
• 蛋白:葡萄酒的澄清剂
• 乳制品(巴氏灭菌的全脂、脱脂或半脱脂):葡萄酒或雪利酒的澄清剂。去除葡萄酒中的味道
• 鱼鳔:鱼的干鱼鳔。澄清葡萄酒
• 明胶(食品级):澄清果汁或葡萄酒
• 蛋白酶(胰蛋白酶):来源于猪或牛的胰腺。减少或除去热不稳定的蛋白质
• 蛋白酶(胃蛋白酶):来源于猪或牛的胃。减少或除去热不稳定的蛋白质
• 酪蛋白,酪蛋白钾盐:澄清葡萄酒
•Albumen (egg white): Fining agent for wine
•Milk products (pasteurized whole, skim, or half-and-half): Fining agent for grape wine or sherry. To remove off-flavors in wine
•Isinglass: Dried swim bladders of fish. To clarify wine
•Gelatin (food grade): To clarify juice or wine
•Protease (Trypsin): Derived from porcine or bovine pancreas. To reduce or to remove heat labile proteins
•Protease (Pepsin): Derived from porcine or bovine stomachs. To reduce or to remove heat labile proteins
•Casein, potassium salt of casein: To clarify wine
Article Partially Contributed By Our International Media Partner
Enjoy yourself with a vegan drink and dinner, PS VoS vegan dinner also has a special vegan cocktail!
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